Amazfit will be launching two new smartwatches in India on January 19. This includes the Amazfit GTR 2e and the GTS 2e. Both wearables are priced at Rs 9,999 and will go on sale the same day on Amazon, Flipkart, and Amazfit’s own website from 12:00am onwards.
Honey Singh, Brand Consultant Amazfit India said, “ The idea behind bringing the GT2e series to India, as a follow-up to the GT2 series is that the brand wanted to bring a range that is affordable while also packed with all the essential features for vital health and fitness factors. Amazfit is highly focused on how wearable technology can help optimize holistic well-being and help biohack the lifestyle of the consumer. With GT 2e series Amazfit brings an innovative, industry-first adoptable “always-on-display” feature that enables you to view the time in a customizable format even when the watch’s other features are inactive. GT 2e series brings products that are well-rounded, equipped with great features and seamless design that does give it a lifestyle-friendly edge as well. We hope that our customers truly enjoy and have a delightful experience with these smartwatches.”
Amazfit GTR 2eThe Amazfit GTR 2e packs a 1.39-inch AMOLED display with a tempered glass cover and an anti-fingerprint vacuum coating. It also packs a 471mAh battery that is rated to offer a typical use time of 24 days. It also tracks 90 sports modes and in terms of sensors, it packs an acceleration sensor, gyroscope sensor, geomagnetic sensor, ambient light sensor, air pressure sensor, and a temperature. It also comes with Huami’s self-developed BioTracker 2 Biological sensor. Thanks to these sensors, it can offer 24-hour heart rate monitoring, blood-oxygen Saturation Measurement, PAI™ Health Assessment, Sleep Quality Monitoring, Stress Level Monitoring and Temperature Monitoring.
Amazfit GTS 2eThe Amazfit GTS 2e packs a larger 1.65-inch AMOLED display that also features a tempered glass and anti-fingerprint vacuum coating. Like the GTR 2e, it too can track 90 sports modes and offers the same sensors and health tracking features. However, it packs a smaller 246mAh battery that is rated to offer a typical use of 14 days.
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